
Jessica DaSilva is a journalism and political science senior at the University of Florida.

She is the former editor-in-chief of The Independent Florida Alligator, where she trained a print-centric staff to think about the Web -- an effort spearheaded by the creation of multimedia and blog editors.

She has had two internships: One as the metro intern at The Tampa Tribune in Tampa, Fla., and another as a features intern at Roll Call Newspaper in Washington, DC.

After graduation, Jessie plans to move to Washington, D.C., and work somewhere doing something (with the economy as it is, she's not making definite plans), but her dream job is working for USA Today as a White House correspondent and blogger.

In her spare time, Jessie enjoys cooking, reading, NPR and her cats.

For more information, check out her portfolio and resume or send her an e-mail at

A picture of Jessica DaSilva