Until you scare other people.

What money magic do you need??
Find out what will help you show up as your boldest self.
The biggest lie we’ve been told is that hating your job is normal. The second biggest lie? That you should do something practical with your life.
I’ve gone from a boring AF 9-5 career in law to a booming coaching business using my intuitive gifts and having a blast along the way! Now I help others start and scale businesses around their natural talents so they wake up in JOY and gratitude every day.
I’ve lived through financial traumas so I can see the blind spots in your life and business with divine clarity. And because of that, I know exactly how to tap into your unique magic so making money becomes easy and FUN.
How do I turn my ideas into more $$$?
Tap into your magic.

During the first eight months of business, I made small sales here and there. Every time I thought, “This is it! This is the moment it all changes!”
And then without fail, I would return to crickets.
It took me a long time to figure out just what was wrong:
My biggest enemy was myself.
My mindset wasn’t aligned at all, and I was treating my business like a hobby, rather than my full-time career as a business owner and CEO. I realized I saw it as temporary or something I would do until I got overwhelmed and gave up.
That thought process showed up in every aspect of my business. I attracted scattered, noncommittal clients whom I had to chase down for payments. My programs fell flat. I struggled with sales.
So, I went deep. I made tons of mindset shifts. I changed how I invested in myself and my business.
And once I mastered my mindset in all areas of my business, I did it. I sold out my 1:1 coaching packages and made almost $30,000 in two weeks.
The key to massive abundance is mastering your mindset and creating your soul-aligned energy.
I want to give you the shortcut to massive abundance so you don’t have to struggle for a year (or years) to start making consistent income and finding ease and flow in your business.
The process is simple: Get aligned and you’ll get abundance.
Think your dreams are too wild or unattainable?
Think again.
Aligned Intent.
When I reevaluated the way I had been running my business, I saw that I had been incredible scattered. So much of my focus was based in worry and fear of it not working out. I decided to look at my big dreams and break them into smaller, milestone goals and focus ONLY on those. And when it came to money? I stopped setting income goals and focused on creating stability for myself. I knew if I could first get stable, then I could think more clearly about how to create abundance without pushing myself to burnout. The key? Placing joy, genius, and rest at the center of my life.
It’s one thing to visualize your goals. It’s a completely different thing to live like they’re on their way. What got you to where you are, is not what gets you to the next level. I looked at how I lived, what I thought, and the ways I had been holding myself back. And then I made radical changes. I set better boundaries not only with others, but with myself. I purged anything in my life, mind, or business that wasn’t serving me to create the space I needed to bring my dreams to fruition. The result was that I felt like the bad bitch who already had everything she wanted! And that took A LOT of pressure off my shoulders.
Embodied Intent.
Inspired Action
Because I had clearer, more attainable goals and started showing up as a more empowered version of myself, I started taking new actions. I broke my perfectionism habit and decided that DONE was better than perfect. I only created offers that I loved showing up for. I embraced all parts of myself, letting my love for mindset techniques, magical methods, and practical strategies carry me through. I also cut the bullshit. I stopped trying to sell to people who only cared about making back their investment and instead focused on finding the clients who were hungry to learn concepts and apply them in their own way. The result was exactly what you see today! Steady increase of income, more media placements, and more balance and positivity than I had ever had in my life and business.
Imagine you could:
Feel joyful and abundant every day to the point that showing up in your business and making money feels fun and easy.
Feel safe with money and empowered to make it work for you. No more spending every dime you make the second it hits your account or throwing so much money at debt that you wind up pinching pennies the next month.
Take action on all the ideas you’re BEYOND excited to share with the world because you know everything that comes to you is going to be SUCH a blast.
Naturally attract clients, customers, or job opportunities HUNGRY to pay you just by living in your total authenticity and celebrating the magic of you.