What $$$ magic do you need?

Catch your dreams

Launch your business
Listen up, you beautiful bish: You are MAGIC. Your ideas? Inspired. Your talents? Sacred. Your time? Valuable. Don’t let fear keep you from the abundant life you crave. I can walk you through practical steps with a li’l magic to make sure you land on your feet.
Scale your income
Ever feel like you’re hitting your head against a glass ceiling? Yeah, I’ve been there. And here’s what no one will tell you: You don’t need a fancy business strategy. You need to get in touch with that next-level mojo you know you have hiding inside you.
Uplevel your life
Learn how to manage your energy and use mindset magic and practical strategies for a richer, more abundant life. A perfect option for those who feel constantly drained, help with career, dating, or who feel like they need an abundance-infusing jump start.
How I Manifested More Than $20k in One Launch
Today, I want to tell you about one of my biggest money manifestations in business to date: How I manifested more than $20k in one launch. It all started at the tail end of 2020, but came to fruition earlier this year. In the post right before this one, I told you...
You need to unblock your bullshit to unlock your potential.

How I went from scattered sales to $30k in 2 weeks
During the first eight months of business, I made small sales here and there. Every time I thought, “This is it! This is the moment it all changes!”
And then without fail, I would return to crickets. It took me a long time to figure out just what was wrong: My biggest enemy was myself.
I wasn’t placing my magic and fun at the center. Business had started to feel hard, which is never what I wanted it to be.
So, I leaned back into anything and everything that brought me joy. And once it clicked, the money came flooding in.